الرئيسية > خدمات > قضايا محلية للنقاش > أولوية تحسين الخدمات العامة( المجال أو المكان : القرى / المدن / العشوائيات ) > Q-The installment bombed yet my client has pending charges for them?
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Q-The installment bombed yet my client has pending charges for them?  


An I as of late charged a client and she attempted to pay the receipt on different occasions. It at that point let me know, on my end the installment had fizzled. Be that as it may, on her end, she has 3 things from square pending for the sum in her back record. What would i be able to do about this? :- https://www.cashapphelps.com/blog/cash-app-transfer-failed/
تم إنشاء في 19/12/2019 08:42 م  بواسطة  
تم إجراء آخر تعديل في 19/12/2019 08:42 م  بواسطة  
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