الرئيسية > خدمات > قضايا محلية للنقاش > أولوية تحسين الخدمات العامة( المجال أو المكان : القرى / المدن / العشوائيات ) > Citrix Certified Professional Networking
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Citrix Certified Professional Networking 


The professional will monitor, manage and document on Application Services Security with the help of NetScaler Secure Insight. They will identify and resolve any issues related to AppFirewall. The Citrix Certified Professional-Networking expert must be capable of taking care of multiple NetScaler platforms. They will visualize infrastructure and plan expansion and keep track of the transaction passing through the NetScaler environment. The professional must recognize common web attacks and vulnerabilities. They should have a good understanding of operating the adaptive learning engine. The CCP-N expert will set up the Citrix Web App Firewall to safeguard the web applications. Read more details: https://www.fieldengineer.com/skills/citrix-certified-professional-networking
تم إنشاء في 19/06/2019 03:16 م  بواسطة  
تم إجراء آخر تعديل في 19/06/2019 03:16 م  بواسطة  
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